Ekonomické obory
Osborne, Jo; Fardon, Michael
Maitlis, Emily
De Filippi, Primavera
Bonnie Vanak
Vandana Shiva
Hannam, James
Kaplan Publishing
Appelbaum, Eileen R.; Bailey, Thomas; Berg, Peter; Kalleberg, Arne L.
Sieg, Holger
Reason, James
Kaplan Publishing
Walker, Owen
Shull, Denise
Hutton, Guthrie
Rottenberg, Catherine (Marie Sklodowska-Curie Visiting Professor, Marie Sklodowska-Curie Visiting Professor, Department
Beech, Dave
Barr, Nicholas (Professor of Public Economics, Professor of Public Economics, European Institute, the London School of E
Vaassen, Eddy; Meuwissen, Roger; Schelleman, Caren
Rickards James