Ekonomické obory
Benoît B. Mandelbrot
Pal, Malabika (Department of Economics, Miranda House College, University of Delhi, India)
Verkerk, Maarten J.; Hoogland, Jan; Stoep, Jan van der; De Vries, Marc J.
Kennedy, Margrit
Bhansali, Vineer
Devereux, Michael P. (Director of the Oxford University Centre for Business Taxation and Professor of Business Taxation,
Simons, Graham M.
Larreur, Charles-Henri
Pilkington, Mark
Lumby, Steve
Crosby, Daniel
Kaplan Publishing
Meagher, Michelle
Marshall, Kenneth Jeffrey
Altman, Morris
Payer, Peter
Marcela Linková
Sands, Jeff
Clark, Giles; Phillips, Angus (Oxford International Centre for Publishing Studies, Oxford Brookes University, UK)