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Uncanny Inhumans Vol. 2

Uncanny Inhumans Vol. 2
45 %

451  Kč 824 Kč

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Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
The Uncanny Inhumans are in the wars! First, Civil War II rocks the Marvel Universe, and the Inhumans are central to the conflict! As one of their own is blessed - or cursed - with the ability to predict the future, disastrous events are set in motion and tensions between Inhumans and mankind skyrocket! And with that distraction, Maximus the Mad seizes his moment to make matters worse! Then, straight out of that conflict, the Inhumans must go to war with the X-Men - in a battle that only one side can survive! Meanwhile, in the depths of Black Bolt's Quiet Room, a plan is hatched that will decide the future of Inhumanity...and shadowy forces move against Queen Medusa in the wake of her battle against Tony Stark. Big changes are coming for the Inhumans! COLLECTING: UNCANNY INHUMANS 11-20, ANNUAL 1
Nakladatel: Marvel Comics
Rok vydání: 2017
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Hardback
Počet stran: 264
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