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X-Men: Grand Design

X-Men: Grand Design
20 %

605  Kč 760 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
Over six tumultuous decades, the X-Men have carved a singular place in comic book lore and popular culture. From their riotous birth in the '60s, to their legendary reboot in the '70s, to their attitude adjustment in the '90s, to their battle against extinction in the '00s, the X-Men have remained unquestionably relevant to generations of readers, the ultimate underdogs in an increasingly complicated world. Now, New York Times-best-selling author Ed Piskor (Hip-Hop Family Tree, Wizzywig) takes you on a pulse-pounding tour of X-Men history unlike anything you've ever experienced before, an intricate labor of love that stitches together hundreds of classic and obscure stories into one seamless masterpiece of X-Men lore. This volume collects X-MEN: GRAND DESIGN and includes X-MEN #1 from 1963, masterfully recolored by Ed, along with other extras including recolored classic pinups. Presented in the same dynamic, oversized format of the best-selling Hip Hop Family Tree.
Nakladatel: Marvel
Rok vydání: 2018
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback / softback
Počet stran: 120
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