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Next Generation Grammar 1 - Active Teach - DVD

Next Generation Grammar 1 - Active Teach
6 %

3463  Kč 3 699 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
Combining innovative teaching materials with the flexibility to introduce your own resources, the Next Generation Grammar 1 ActiveTeach is a powerful electronic resource that provides the perfect solution to seamless lesson planning and exciting whole-class teaching. ActiveTeach helps you to prepare for classes and to provide seamless lesson delivery. You can project, zoom, highlight, or annotate key areas in the Student's Book for the entire class to see. Pop-up notes embedded in each chapter of the digital Student's Book allow you to access corpus-informed grammar tips, troublesome grammar points, helpful teaching suggestions, culture notes, and expansion activities. ActiveTeach also gives you one-click audio and video access. Listen to the audio and watch the videos using the direct links on screen. Project audio scripts, video scripts, and answer keys on the screen, or print them out for your students. ActiveTeach also enables you to customize your teaching by creating and including your own teaching notes, attaching your own documents, linking to specific websites you've chosen, or adding post-teaching comments on how the lesson went.
Nakladatel: Pearson Longman
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: DVD, Blu-ray
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