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Looking North

Looking North
21 %

993  Kč 1 250 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
In Ireland much has been written about the influence of British-Imperial, Dutch-Dudok, German-rational and more recently Swiss- contemporary Architecture, this work asks what is the influence of Scandinavian Architecture on Modern Irish Architecture?. This work begins by defining Scandinvian design heritage and values. Next the early development of Architecture in Scandinavia and Ireland in the period before WWII is explored, with discussion on the impact of Alvar Aalto and 'Organic Modernism' and also a minor case study on Alan Hope's 'Meander' the first known Scandinavian Architectural reference in Ireland. Following this introductory section is the main-body of the thesis, which is one of two parts. The first part will talk about the Scandinavian Social Democratic Ideal, in terms of social housing and how this aspect of Scandinavian Architecture and Design Philosophy has impacted on some socially progressive Irish Architecture firms, highlighting in particular the work of GCA and 'Clarion Quay'. The second part will focus on the more tangible aspect of Scandinavian Design & Architecture, these being the aesthetic and material, and their influence in Irish Architecture.
Nakladatel: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
Rok vydání: 2011
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback / softback
Počet stran: 60
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