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Surf Shack

Surf Shack
42 %

528  Kč 910 Kč

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A colorful tour of some of the most unique surfer abodes around the world, from Melbourne to New York City. - Architectural Digest Surfers are a breed onto themselves and their homes; hideaways and surf shacks are just as unique no matter where in the world they may be found. A nice rack to store surfboards, maybe an outside shower to wash off the ocean and sand, and an ideal spot to hang and dry wetsuits or surf trunks are mandatory-everything else comes after. Nina Freudenberger has taken a good look at not only a number of these vastly different abodes but also a quick glimpse into the particular and even peculiar lives that are lived there. Because after all, to a surfer at least, surfing is the only life. - Gerry Lopez, renowned surfer, innovator, and author of Surf is Where You Find It Surfer or not, you've probably found yourself enchanted at one time or another by the thought of a life lived near the water . . . Some lucky ones are living that dream, with homes perched close enough to the sea that they can be in the water and on a board any time the wind is right and the swell is up and the mood strikes. It is this lifestyle-and the home decor choices driven by it-that inspired interior designer Nina Freudenberger's new book Surf Shack: Laid-Back Living by the Water . - Vogue Cabin porn goes coastal in Nina Freudenberger's Surf Shack - Vanity Fair One of the prettiest design and decor books I've viewed in some time. There's a uniqueness and authentic unstyled beauty to S urf Shack that I could really relate to and the photography is beautiful. It's full of inspiring, eclectic homes and stories of the people who inhabit these very casual but modern surf shacks, and as much as I love my home on the east of Los Angeles, it definitely gets me hankering for a beach house of my own one day. - Victoria Smith, SF Girl by Bay Some of the coolest 'shacks' on the planet from a haute-Bohemian hacienda in Mexico to Elder Statesman designer Greg Chait's stylishly mellow retro trailer in Paradise Cove, Malibu. - Surf Collective NYC A surfer's life is a weird dichotomy. We live for fleeting micro-moments of glorious sliding, but the act of surfing is a small percentage of what we actually do. We also struggle against currents, wind, cold, and grumpy troglodytes. We lie to bosses and loved ones. We suffer sunburn, reef rash, earaches, and flat spells. We endlessly analyze weather forecasts and tide charts searching for the moment to paddle out. We constantly dance the passive aggressive 'my turn' dance in the lineup. More often than not our efforts end in failure. And still, it's SO GOOD we come back for more. We live for it. This book perfectly shows the wildly varying sanctuaries of damp, sandy tribesmen, and where they return for brief comfort-to 'mind surf,' recharge, and plan the next amazing struggle for that finite resource. - Fletcher Chouinard, shaper/designer Even if you don't own a surfboard, there's so much to learn from this gorgeous book about living a creative, authentic life. - Emily Henderson, author of the New York Times best seller Styled These laid-back coastal bedrooms illustrate how to bring effortlessly cool style into any sleeping space. - Oprah.com This book highlights many of the aspects that make surfing such a compelling pursuit-with captivating photographs of homes that reflect the owners' authentic love of wave riding and a deep respect for nature. - Paul Speaker, CEO, The World Surf League For me, the home is never about decoration, it's about personal expression and creating a foundation for an active life, which is exactly what Nina has captured here. This book gives me a ton of ideas! - Maxwell Ryan, author of Apartment Therapy Complete and Happy Home Surf Shack pulled at my heartstrings. While I'm not a surfer, I grew up on the coast and in the water. The homes in this book speak to that love and not only inspire you to reimagine your dec
Nakladatel: Bantam Books
Rok vydání: 2017
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Hardback
Počet stran: 272
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