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Your Private Sky - R. Buckminster Fuller

Your Private Sky - R. Buckminster Fuller
14 %

865  Kč 1 005 Kč

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Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983) was one of the most revolutionary technological visionaries of the 20th century. As an architect, engineer, entrepreneur, and poet, he was a quintessentially American self-made man. But he was also an outsider: a technologist with a poet's imagination who already developed theories of environmental control in the thirties (more with less) and who anticipated the globalization of our planet (think global-act local). In light of the reawakening interest in his works and thoughts, and of their growing importance for our technological world, it is time for a re-edition of this comprehensive and legendary publication from 1999. The visual reader Your Private Sky examines and documents Fuller's theories, ideas, and projects, and critically deals with his ideology of rescue through technology.
Nakladatel: Lars Müller Publishers, Zürich
Rok vydání: 2017
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Hardback
Počet stran: 528
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