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The New Chic

The New Chic
14 %

1359  Kč 1 582 Kč

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Curated by the editors of French Architectural Digest, the next wave of emerging talent in Paris is at the epicenter of The New Chic: French Style From Today's Leading Interior Designers ($65, Rizzoli). - Modern Luxury Interiors , Atlanta Even if modern-looking interiors aren't your thing, I think you'll appreciate the caliber of these designers' work, which, if nothing else, should serve as a lesson in the importance of quality and elegance . - PeakofChic.com The book anoints 12 designers who all uphold a kind of classicism ... without ever losing sight of that elusive attribute called 'chic.' - The New York Times Every room in this book is sublime, especially those created for the annual design showcase AD Intériers where the participating designers are given carte blanche to create living spaces unfiltered by commissioning clients... - InteriorDesignMasterClass.com
Nakladatel: Rizzoli US
Rok vydání: 2017
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Hardback
Počet stran: 240
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