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Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Sustainable Agriculture of North America

Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Sustainable Agriculture of North America
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Foreword Preface About the Editors Contributors Chapter 1. Current State of Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Canada. Guy Bélair, Tom Forge, Benjamin Mimee, Mario Tenuta and Qing Yu. Chapter 2. Plant Parasitic Nematodes of New England: Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. James A. LaMondia, Robert L. Wick and Nathaniel A. Mitkowski Chapter 3. Plant Parasitic Nematodes of New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. George W. Bird, George S. Abawi and James A. LaMondia Chapter 4. Nematodes and Nematologists of Michigan. George Bird and Fred Warner Chapter 5. Nematodes of Agricultural Importance in Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, and Ohio. Andreas Westphal, John J. Chitambar and Sergei A. Subbotin Chapter 6. Distribution and Importance of Plant Nematodes in Nebraska, Kansas and Colorado. Timothy Todd and Thomas Powers Chapter 7. Biology, Ecology, and Management of Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Minnesota. Senyu Chen and Zane J. Grabau Chapter 8. Nematodes Important to Agriculture in Wisconsin. Ann MacGuidwin Chapter 9. Plant Parasitic Nematodes of North Dakota and South Dakota. Guiping Yan and Richard Baidoo Chapter 10. Management of Plant Parasitic Nematode Pests in Florida. William Crow and Larry Duncan Chapter 11. Nematodes of Agricultural Importance in North Carolina and South Carolina. Weimin Ye Chapter 12. Plant parasitic nematodes of West Virginia and Virginia. Jon Eisenback Chapter 13. Plant parasitic nematodes of Tennessee and Kentucky. Ernest C. Bernard Chapter 14. Nematodes in Maryland and Delaware Crops. Ramesh R. Pokharel Chapter 15. Plant Parasitic Nematodes of Georgia and Alabama. Abolfazl Hajihassani and Kathy Lawrence Chapter 16. Important Plant Parasitic Nematodes of Row Crops in Arkansas, Lousiana and Mississippi. Travis Faske, Charles Overstreet, Gary Lawrence and Terry L. Kirkpatrick Chapter 17. Plant Parasitic Nematodes of Economic Importance in Texas and Oklahoma. Terry A. Wheeler, Jason E. Woodward and Nathan R. Walker
Nakladatel: Springer, Berlin
Rok vydání: 2018
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Hardback
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