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Prague Superguide Edition No. 2

Prague Superguide Edition No. 2
20 %

152  Kč 189 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
The second edition of the Prague's most honest and authentic guidebook. New added sections, restaurants, cafés, shops, and photographs. All that in super-summer bright pink. Written, edited and designed in downtown Prague. Authentic Genuine No-Bullshit Guide To Prague Curated By Locals. Find all essential information in this +140 pages book and feel like local, rather than a tourist. The guide includes tips on the most interesting districts, art scene, genuine local design, shopping and souvenirs, the best restaurants, cafés and bistros, clubbing options, as well as exercise tips, the best running routes and places to get pampered.
Nakladatel: Valeš Miroslav
ISBN: 9788026098928
Rok vydání: CHI-
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: brožovaná
Počet stran: 144
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