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Book Life

Book Life
18 %

245  Kč 298 Kč

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Keep a record of your favorite books, and so much more! Book Life: A Book Lover's Journal is filled with places for you to record everything about the books you read to help you remember about them for years to come. The compact size is perfect for tucking into a bag or purse and taking along wherever your literary journey leads. Document your reading experiences using the blank templates in the Book Log section and create a wish list of books you'd like to read. You'll even find pages featuring places for booklovers to visit, including literary pilgrimages and iconic bookstores. Jot down passages that inspired you on the quotes page and keep track of the books you borrow and loan out. Book lists containing prize winning books and authors will help you discover new reading materials to put on your wish list. This journal is the perfect tool to keep your thoughts and titles organized and is a great keepsake to share with friends.
Nakladatel: Quarto Publishing Group
Rok vydání: 2017
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback / softback
Počet stran: 208
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