Aeromechanics 1
510 Kč
This university textbook is primarily intended for the students of the University of Žilina, the Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications, the Department of Air Transport in the Bachelors and Masters degree for the subject of Aeromechanics 1. We believe that it will provide the students with reasonable essentials for acquiring knowledge in the field of aerodynamics within the Air Transport Study Programme.\nThe textbook from its first pages describes the basic theory of fluid flow around objects, aerodynamic airfoils and wings. It also addresses in more detail the issue of induced drag and its reduction potential, not only in terms of aerodynamics but also from the operational point of view. In the final chapters we describe the basic theory of the transonic and supersonic aerodynamics.
\nZ obsahu\nContents \nList of Abbreviations \nGlossary of Terms and Definitions \nFOREWORD \n1 SUBSONIC AERODYNAMICS \n1.1 Fundamentals, Laws and Definitions \n1.2 Speeds - IAS, CAS, EAS, TAS \n1.3 Speed of Sound \n2 TWO-DIMENSIONAL FLOW OVER AERODYNAMIC AIRFOIL \n2.1 Steady- State Air Flow (Stationary Flow) \n2.2 Unsteady, Transient Air Flow (Non-Stationary Flow) \n2.3 Aerodynamic Forces on Planes \n2.4 Airfoil Shape \n2.5 Streamline Shape \n3 AERODYNAMIC DRAG OF THE AIRCRAFT \n3.1 Streamline Shape during the Flow Round the Wing, Fuselage and Tail Planes \n3.2 Induced Drag of the Wing of the Finite Span \n3.3 Total Drag \n3.4 Possibilities of the Reduction of the Aerodynamic Drag \n3.5 Parasitic Drag\n4 REDUCTION OF THE INDUCED AEROPLANE DRAG \n4.1 Reduction of the Induced Drag of an Aeroplane \n4.2 Induced Drag and Airfoil Shape of the Aeroplane´s Wing \n4.3 Types of Aeroplane Wingtip \n4.4 Other Airplane Wingtip Design Solutions \n4.5 Boundary Layer and Aeroplane Wingtip \n4.6 Induced Drag and Boundary Layer Properties \n4.7 4_7 Changing the Shape of the Wingtip \n4.8 Modifications to the Shape of the Aeroplane Wing \n5 VORTEX PHENOMENA \n5.1 Possibilities of Reducing the Impact of Vortex Phenomena on Air Traffic \n5.2 Methods of Reducing Vortex Phenomena \n6 INCREASE OF THE MAXIMUM LIFT COEFFICIENT - cL max \n6.1 Trailing Edge Flaps and Their Use for Take-Off and Landing \n6.2 Lifting Devices Used on the Leading Edge, Causes of Their Use During Take-Off and Landing \n6.3 Swirlers \n6.4 Means of Reducing the cL / cD Ratio, Means to Increase the Drag \n7 BOUNDARY LAYER \n7.1 Types of Boundary Layer \n7.2 Stall Speed \n8 TRANSONIC AERODYNAMICS \n8.1 Mach Number Definition \n8.2 Compressibility \n8.3 Normal Shock Waves \n8.4 Aerodynamic Heating \n8.5 Shock Flow Separation, Mach Buffeting \n8.6 Buffeting Envelope, Aerodynamic Ceiling \n8.7 Methods to Prevent Phenomena after Exceeding Mcrit \n9 SUPERSONIC AERODYNAMICS \n9.1 Oblique Shock Waves \n9.2 Shock-Wave Drag \nAnnex \nReferences \nList of websites
Autor: | Martin Bugaj |
Nakladatel: | EDIS-vydavateľstvo |
ISBN: | 978-80-554-1675-5 |
Rok vydání: | 2020 |
Jazyk : | Angličtina |
Vazba: | brožovaná/paperback |
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