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The Girl Who Played With Fire

The Girl Who Played With Fire
42 %

192  Kč 329 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
The internationally bestselling trilogy - reissued to tie in with the long-awaited continuation of one of the major publishing phenomenons of modern times Lisbeth Salander is a wanted woman. Two Millennium journalists about to expose the truth about sex trafficking in Sweden are murdered, and Salander's prints are on the weapon. Her history of unpredictable and vengeful behaviour makes her an official danger to society - but no-one can find her. Mikael Blomkvist, Millennium magazine's legendary star reporter, does not believe the police. Using all his magazine staff and resources to prove Salander's innocence, Blomkvist also uncovers her terrible past, spent in criminally corrupt institutions. Yet Salander is more avenging angel than helpless victim. She may be an expert at staying out of sight - but she has ways of tracking down her most elusive enemies.
Nakladatel: Quercus
ISBN: 978-0-85705-415-9
Rok vydání: 2015
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback
Počet stran: 576
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