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Trigger Mortis

Trigger Mortis

302  Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
James Bond returns in this thrilling new adventure from Anthony Horowitz - with original material by Ian Fleming. Literary legend James Bond returns to his 1950s heyday in this exhilarating thriller by Sunday Times bestselling author Anthony Horowitz. It's 1957 and James Bond (agent 007) has only just survived his showdown with Auric Goldfinger at Fort Knox. By his side is Pussy Galore, who was with him at the end. Unknown to either of them, the USSR and the West are in a deadly struggle for technological superiority. And SMERSH is back. The Soviet counter-intelligence agency plans to sabotage a Grand Prix race at the most dangerous track in Europe. But it's Bond who finds himself in the driving seat and events take an unexpected turn when he observes a suspicious meeting between SMERSH's driver and a sinister Korean millionaire, Jai Seong Sin. Soon Bond is pitched into an entirely different race with implications that could change the world. Thrown together with American agent, Jeopardy Lane, Bond uncovers a plan that will bring the West to its knees in a heart-stopping climax. Welcoming back familiar faces, including M and Miss Moneypenny, international bestselling author Anthony Horowitz ticks all the boxes: speed, danger, strong women and fiendish villains, to reinvent the golden age of Bond in this brilliantly gripping adventure. TRIGGER MORTIS is also the first James Bond novel to feature previously unseen Ian Fleming material. This is James Bond as Fleming imagined him.
Nakladatel: Orion
Rok vydání: 2015
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback
Počet stran: 320
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