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Say Nothing

Say Nothing
40 %

318  Kč 530 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
Parks does a fantastic job conveying every parent's worst fear while also showcasing the marital conflict and mistrust that erupts in the midst of a crisis. The complications and twists build to an unexpected climax that is both perfect and gut-wrenching... Fans of Harlan Coben and Lisa Gardner will love this thriller. Don't stay silent, tell everyone. - Library Journal , Starred Review The novel's final pages are exciting, surprising and deeply moving. How moving? Its ending brought me to tears, and, where books are concerned, such moments are rare... [ Say Nothing ] carries his work to a new level. - The Washington Post Parks dispenses plot twists with a poisoned eyedropper... The nerve-shredding never lets up for a minute as Parks picks you up by the scruff of the neck, shakes you vigorously, and repeats over and over again till a climax so harrowing that you'll be shaking with gratitude that it's finally over. -Kirkus, Starred Review [ Say Nothing ] grips the reader from the get-go and doesn't let up until the final twist in a story that's filled with surprises. -Associated Press [ Say Nothing ] begins by shocking the mind and ends by shattering the heart. The work of an author who continues to raise his sights and refine his immense talent... readers will quickly say 'yes' to this spellbinding, disturbing novel. -The Richmond Times-Dispatch Brad Parks latest, Say Nothing , says it all-perfectly. Some books, especially stories about children acting nobly, make me mist up. But real tears, enough to require dabbing eyes? That does not happen. Yet as I finished the former Star-Ledger reporter's latest book, I was crying... [Say Nothing] takes Parks to a new level. -The Star-Ledger Shamus Award-winner Parks's excellent domestic thriller credibly portrays a family under severe stress... [readers will] find themselves on pins and needles awaiting the reveals. -Publishers Weekly, Starred Review Fast-paced and terrifying, Say Nothing is a roller coaster of fear, deception, jealousy, and terror. - Bustle With the tension ratcheted up to 10, you'll churn through pages like your life depends on it. Filled with more twists and turns than a country back road, you will never see what lies ahead in Say Nothing . After reading Say Nothing , I only had one thought in my head: I have to read everything Parks has written. After this book, I'm going to be a fan for life. - Fredericksburg Free Lance-Star Parks' legal thriller gets off to a roaring start, plunking us immediately in the middle of things. - Booklist Terrific book. Truly terrific. Tension throughout and tears at the end. What could be better than that? - Sue Grafton Outstanding-starts with a bang and gets tenser and tenser. Say Nothing shows Parks is a quality writer at the top of his form. - Lee Child Say Nothing moves Brad Parks onto the top shelf of thriller writers. He grabs readers' hearts in the first chapter, and doesn't let go until the last line. - Joseph Finder A pedal-to-the floor thriller! Say Nothing grabs you from the first few paragraphs and never lets go. Writing in sharp, no-nonsense prose, Parks perfectly nails the dynamics of a family under the gun and has conjured a plot (did I mention high-speed?) that leaps straight from today's headlines. This novel's a winner! - Jeffery Deaver Say Nothing is tremendously satisfying, packed with engaging characters and surprising plot twists and a furious build of tension until its gut-wrenching pay-off. - Chris Pavone A twisting, suspenseful ride that adds a new and original twist to the legal thriller: a judge, cornered. If you haven't discovered Brad Parks yet, Say Nothing is your chance. Smart, propulsive storytelling. - William Landay Grips you in a vice from the very beginning, and shreds your emotions. Terrific, powerful storytelling at its very best. A tour de force. -Peter James
Nakladatel: Penguin US
Rok vydání: 2017
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback / softback
Počet stran: 448
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