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The Grave's a Fine and Private Place

The Grave's a Fine and Private Place
25 %

477  Kč 639 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
Advance praise for The Grave's a Fine and Private Place Outstanding . . . As usual, Bradley makes his improbable series conceit work and relieves the plot's inherent darkness with clever humor.-Publishers Weekly (starred review) There's only one Flavia. . . . Series fans will anticipate the details of this investigation, along with one last taste of Flavia's unorthodox family life.-Library Journal (starred review) Fans of the precocious sleuth who share her unapologetically enthusiastic sense that 'an unexamined corpse was a tale untold' will rub their hands gleefully, confident that her resolution will unleash a dazzling barrage of innocent-seeming questions, recherché chemical and pharmacological tidbits, fibs and whoppers, and the most coyly bratty behavior outside the pages of Kay Thompson's chronicles of Eloise. . . . Bradley's unquenchable heroine brings 'the most complicated case I had ever come across' to a highly satisfying conclusion, with the promise of still brighter days ahead.-Kirkus Reviews Acclaim for Alan Bradley's beloved Flavia de Luce novels, winners of the Crime Writers' Association Debut Dagger Award, Barry Award, Agatha Award, Macavity Award, Dilys Award, and Arthur Ellis Award If ever there were a sleuth who's bold, brilliant, and, yes, adorable, it's Flavia de Luce.-USA Today Delightful . . . a combination of Eloise and Sherlock Holmes.-The Boston Globe [Flavia] is as addictive as dark chocolate.-Daily Mail Flavia de Luce is still the world's greatest adolescent British chemist/busybody/sleuth.-The Seattle Times
Nakladatel: Random House US
Rok vydání: 2018
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Hardback
Počet stran: 384
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