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Y is for Yesterday

Y is for Yesterday
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Praise for Y is for Yesterday I'm going to miss Kinsey Millhone. Ever since the first of Sue Grafton's Alphabet mysteries, A Is For Alibi, came out in 1982, Kinsey has been a good friend and the very model of an independent woman, a gutsy Californian P.I. rocking a traditional man's job...it's Kinsey herself who keeps this series so warm and welcoming. She's smart, she's resourceful, and she's tough enough to be sensitive on the right occasions.-New York Times Book Review The consistent quality and skillful innovations in this alphabet series justify all the praise these books have received over the past 35 years.-Wall Street Journal This will leave readers both relishing another masterful entry and ruing the near-end of this series. Prime Grafton.-Booklist (starred review) Grafton once again proves herself a superb storyteller.-Publishers Weekly The series may be coming to a close, but Grafton constructs an intricate plot following two time lines with at least a dozen characters in play while rarely slowing the pace.-Library Journal The lively, engrossing...Grafton is in sure command of Kinsey's wise-cracking but warm voice and of a many-layered plot that moves back and forth over events of a decade. Y Is For Yesterday might make you wish the alphabet had a few more letters.-Tampa Bay Times-Review More Praise for Sue Grafton and the Alphabet Series Grafton's endless resourcefulness in varying her pitches in this landmark series, graced by her trademark self-deprecating humor, is one of the seven wonders of the genre.-Kirkus Reviews Grafton is a writer of many strengths-crisp characterizations, deft plotting, and eloquent dialogue among them-and she has kept her long-running alphabet mystery series fresh and each new release more welcome than the last.-Louisville Courier-Journal [Grafton's] ability to give equal weight to the story of the detective and the detective story sets her apart in the world of crime fiction.-Richmond Times-Dispatch
Nakladatel: Penguin US
Rok vydání: 2018
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback / softback
Počet stran: 496
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