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The Dark Gifts Trilogy - Gilded Cage

The Dark Gifts Trilogy - Gilded Cage
31 %

351  Kč 513 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
Beautifully characterised and compellingly plotted, Gilded Cage is an impressive debut. - The Guardian Exquisitely wicked . . . a lavishly opulent, yet brutally vivid, alternate England which subtly questions modern beliefs . . . If ever there was a speculative fiction book that captured the zeitgeist of an era this is it. - SFFWorld An alternate modern-day England where enticing drama and social unrest mix with aristocratic scandal and glamorous magic . . . conjuring up the specters of Les Misérables and Downton Abbey . . . an absorbing first installment that presages an intriguing new fantasy series. - Kirkus Reviews Gilded Cag e is a heart-pounding combination of dark magic, political revolution, and forbidden romance that had me addicted from the first page! -Danielle L. Jensen, USA Today bestselling author of The Malediction Trilogy Devious and deliciously dark with lashings of magic, mystery, and mayhem, this juggernaut of a book will keep you hanging on by your fingernails until the very last page. -Taran Matharu, New York Times bestselling author of the Summoner series A dark and intriguing vision of an alternate, magic-drenched Britain, Gilded Cage kept me up long into the night. -Aliette de Bodard, author of The House of Shattered Wings Brisk plotting, sympathetic characters, and plenty of intrigue will keep readers on the edges of their seats, eager for the next book in a very promising series. - Publishers Weekly (starred review)
Nakladatel: Bantam Books
Rok vydání: 2017
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Hardback
Počet stran: 368
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