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Ready Player One

Ready Player One
7 %

310  Kč 332 Kč

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The science-fiction writer John Scalzi has aptly referred to READY PLAYER ONE as a nerdgasm [and] there can be no better one-word description of this ardent fantasy artifact about fantasy culture...But Mr. Cline is able to incorporate his favorite toys and games into a perfectly accessible narrative.-Janet Maslin, The New York Times Triggers memories and emotions embedded in the psyche of a generation...[Cline crafts] a fresh and imaginative world from our old toy box, and finds significance in there among the collectibles. A--Entertainment Weekly A most excellent ride...the conceit is a smart one, and we happily root for [the heroes] on their quest...fully satisfying.-Boston Globe Enchanting...Willy Wonka meets the Matrix. This novel undoubtedly qualifies Cline as the hottest geek on the planet right now. [But] you don't have to be a geek to get it.-USA Today Ridiculously fun and large-hearted, and you don't have to remember the Reagan administration to love it...[Cline] takes a far-out premise and engages the reader instantly...You'll wish you could make it go on and on.-NPR.org A fun, funny and fabulously entertaining first novel...This novel's large dose of 1980s trivia is a delight...[but] even readers who need Google to identify Commodore 64 or Inky, Blinky, Pinky and Clyde, will enjoy this memorabilian feast.-Cleveland Plain Dealer The grown-up's 'Harry Potter'...the mystery and fantasy in this novel weaves itself in the most delightful way, and the details that make up Mr. Cline's world are simply astounding. READY PLAYER ONE has it all.-Huffington Post Incredibly entertaining...Drawing on everything from Back to the Future to Roald Dahl to Neal Stephenson's groundbreaking Snow Crash, Cline has made READY PLAYER ONE a geek fantasia, '80s culture memoir and commentary on the future of online behavior all at once.-Austin American-Statesman READY PLAYER ONE is the ultimate lottery ticket.-New York Daily News This non-gamer loved every page of READY PLAYER ONE.-Charlaine Harris, #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Sookie Stackhouse series A treasure for anyone already nostalgic for the late 20th century. . . But it's also a great read for anyone who likes a good book.-Wired.com Gorgeously geeky, superbly entertaining, this really is a spectacularly successful debut.-Daily Mail (UK) A gunshot of fun with a wicked sense of timing and a cast of characters that you're pumping your fist in the air with whenever they succeed. I haven't been this much on the edge of my seat for an ending in years.-Chicago Reader A rollicking, surprise-laden, potboiling, thrilling adventure story.... I loved every sentence of this book-Mark Frauenfelder, BoingBoing A 'frakking' good read [featuring] incredible creative detail...I grinned at the sheer audacity of Cline's imagination.-Milwaukee Journal Sentinel [A] fantastic page-turner....READY PLAYER ONE may be science fiction, but it's also written for people who have never picked up an SF novel in their lives...-Annalee Newitz, io9.com Fascinating and imaginative...It's non-stop action when gamers must navigate clever puzzles and outwit determined enemies in a virtual world in order to save a real one. Readers are in for a wild ride.-Terry Brooks, #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Shannara series I was blown away by this book...A book of ideas, a potboiler, a game-within-a-novel, a serious science-fiction epic, a comic pop culture mash-up-call this novel what you will, but READY PLAYER ONE will defy every label you try to put on it. Here, finally, is this generation's Neuromancer.-Will Lavender, New York Times bestselling author of Dominance I really, really loved READY PLAYER ONE...Cline expertly mines a copious vein of 1980s pop culture, catapulting the reader on a light-speed adventure in an advanced but backward-looking future.- Daniel H. Wilson, New York Times bestselling auth
Nakladatel: Random House US
Rok vydání: 2017
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback / softback
Počet stran: 608
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