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Keith Jarrett's Transformation of Standard Tunes

Keith Jarrett's Transformation of Standard Tunes
22 %

1570  Kč 2 016 Kč

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This book demonstrates the extent to which jazz§pianist Keith Jarrett s renditions of standard§tunes exploit certain aspects of their phrase and§formal structure. Part 1 describes a methodology for§explaining the phrase structure and formal design of§standard tunes. Chapter 1 shows how standard tunes§use a finite number of phrase models and Chapter 2§demonstrates how these phrase models are arranged§into prototypical formal plans. Chapter 3 introduces§the hexamodal system to provide a taxonomy of§available jazz voicings and chord-scale§relationships. Part 2 uses the analytical methodology§outlined in Part 1 to analyze Keith Jarrett s§remarkable approach to jazz improvisation. Chapter 4§focuses on the ways in which he transforms standard§tunes. Chapter 5, then, goes on to analyze what§appear to be his most sophisticated transformation of§jazz standards; his solo introductions. These§outstanding improvisations transcend the temporal§confines of variation form in the manner of the free fantasia. The book ends with the author s own§improvisation of the introduction in Jarrett s style§to George Gershwin s Embraceable You.
Nakladatel: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller
Rok vydání: 2009
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback / softback
Počet stran: 356
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