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The Beatles Lyrics

The Beatles Lyrics
17 %

355  Kč 430 Kč

Zboží skladem, ihned k odeslaní
Pokud objednám nyní, kdy zboží dostanu

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
[Davies] has managed to track down handwritten versions for 100 of the band's 182 lyrics, and it's undeniably fascinating to observe these scribbled seeds, particularly when they contain alterations, crossings-out and abandoned verses... The other main attraction of the book is Davies' unrivalled access to the group. As the only authorised Beatles biographer during the band's existence, he spent time observing Lennon and McCartney as they wrote songs, and his vivid account of the pair holding court amongst friends in the latter's music room... is just one of several fascinating behind-the-scenes moments Andy Gill THE INDEPENDENT
Nakladatel: Orion Publishing Group
Rok vydání: 2017
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback / softback
Počet stran: 416
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