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SAP SuccessFactors Learning

SAP SuccessFactors Learning

2177  Kč 2 253 Kč

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Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
... Foreword ... 19 ... Preface ... 21 ... Objectives of This Book ... 21 ... Who Should Read This Book ... 21 ... Structure of This Book ... 22 ... Acknowledgments ... 26 1 ... Introduction to SAP SuccessFactors Learning ... 27 1.1 ... Impact of Learning and Development ... 28 1.2 ... The Foundations of SAP SuccessFactors Learning ... 30 1.3 ... Learning in the SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite ... 42 1.4 ... Summary ... 46 2 ... Implementation and Maintenance Planning ... 47 2.1 ... Implementation Steps and Considerations ... 48 2.2 ... SAP SuccessFactors System Landscape ... 55 2.3 ... Quarterly Release Planning ... 58 2.4 ... Instance Refreshes ... 65 2.5 ... Summary ... 67 3 ... User Interface ... 69 3.1 ... User Permissions ... 69 3.2 ... Learner and Manager Views ... 71 3.3 ... Instructor Views ... 110 3.4 ... Summary ... 119 4 ... Administrator Interface ... 121 4.1 ... Accessing and Navigating Learning Administration ... 121 4.2 ... User Management ... 136 4.3 ... Item Management ... 147 4.4 ... Catalog Management ... 167 4.5 ... Assignment Profiles ... 173 4.6 ... Learning Needs Management ... 179 4.7 ... Summary ... 193 5 ... Instructor-Led Training Management ... 195 5.1 ... Scheduled Item Settings ... 196 5.2 ... Segments and Scheduled Offerings ... 204 5.3 ... Instructor Records ... 215 5.4 ... Resources ... 224 5.5 ... Virtual Learning ... 237 5.6 ... Summary ... 246 6 ... Online Items and Content Management ... 247 6.1 ... Online Content Management ... 248 6.2 ... Content Objects ... 262 6.3 ... Content Packages ... 269 6.4 ... Documents ... 272 6.5 ... iContent ... 273 6.6 ... Integration to Content Providers ... 277 6.7 ... Mobile Content and Offline Player Setup ... 285 6.8 ... Online Content Considerations ... 289 6.9 ... Summary ... 290 7 ... Blended and Other Item Classifications ... 291 7.1 ... Other Learning Activities ... 291 7.2 ... On-the-Job Training ... 294 7.3 ... Blended Items ... 306 7.4 ... Summary ... 313 8 ... Curriculum and Program Management ... 315 8.1 ... Curriculum Management ... 317 8.2 ... Program Management ... 348 8.3 ... Automated Processes for Curricula and Programs ... 363 8.4 ... Summary ... 365 9 ... Assessment and Evaluation ... 367 9.1 ... Surveys ... 369 9.2 ... Assessments ... 386 9.3 ... Summary ... 416 10 ... Informal Learning ... 417 10.1 ... Social Learning and SAP Jam ... 418 10.2 ... Recommendations ... 429 10.3 ... Collections ... 432 10.4 ... QuickGuides for User-Generated Content ... 435 10.5 ... Gamification ... 437 10.6 ... Summary ... 440 11 ... Mobile Learning ... 443 11.1 ... Mobile Deployment ... 444 11.2 ... Manual Mobile App Setup ... 451 11.3 ... Mobile Learning Features ... 453 11.4 ... Mobile Content ... 459 11.5 ... Summary ... 467 12 ... Reporting ... 469 12.1 ... Standard Reports ... 470 12.2 ... Report Designer ... 479 12.3 ... Online Report Designer ... 485 12.4 ... Learning Analytics ... 488 12.5 ... Summary ... 490 13 ... Configuration ... 491 13.1 ... Branding ... 492 13.2 ... Global Variables ... 498 13.3 ... Auto-Generating IDs ... 508 13.4 ... Automatic Processes ... 509 13.5 ... Reference Values ... 514 13.6 ... Quick Links ... 528 13.7 ... Record Configuration ... 529 13.8 ... User Settings ... 530 13.9 ... Registration Settings ... 533 13.10 ... System Configuration Settings ... 535 13.11 ... Certificates ... 546 13.12 ... Notifications ... 549 13.13 ... Custom Columns ... 553 13.14 ... Search Selection ... 554 13.15 ... Localization ... 555 13.16 ... Summary ... 562 14 ... SAP SuccessFactors Learning Security ... 563 14.1 ... Security Basics ... 563 14.2 ... User Security ... 576 14.3 ... Administrator Security ... 580 14.4 ... Administrator Acco
Nakladatel: Rheinwerk Verlag
Rok vydání: 2018
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Hardback
Počet stran: 680
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