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The Glory of the Crucified One

The Glory of the Crucified One
8 %

1534  Kč 1 659 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
Jörg Frey has devoted decades of his scholarly career to exploring the rich landscape of John's Gospel. He chronicles the results of this work in this volume, demonstrating how the Gospel sits at the very heart of the New Testament witness. This volume underscores the central message Jörg Frey sees in the Gospel: John's post-Easter memory (anamnesis) of the Jesus story aims at communicating that Jesus, who was crucified, has actually been glorified and is present in the realm of God, and in spite of his apparent absence from this world he is present in the community of believers through the Spirit. For John, according to Jörg Frey, there is no concealment of the cruel reality of Jesus' death on the cross. The narrative of Jesus' trial and his crucifixion deliberately shapes its readers' perception of the truth of faith visualized in John's narration. In the end, readers should contemplate the pierced, crucified one as the source of their life and their communion with God. Published in the US by Baylor University Press, Waco.
Nakladatel: Mohr Siebeck
Rok vydání: 2018
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Hardback
Počet stran: 550
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