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Česká pošta Úterý 24.09
PPL Úterý 24.09
Osobní odběr Středa 25.09
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When I Grow Up I Want to Be a List of Further Possibilities

 When I Grow Up I Want to Be a List of Further Possibilities
18 %

307  Kč 376 Kč

Odesíláme do 1 až 2 týdnů

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
In this ferocious and tender debut, Chen Chen investigates inherited forms of love and family - the strained relationship between a mother and son, the cost of necessary goodbyes - all from Asian American, immigrant and queer perspectives. With a foreword by Jericho Brown, Chen Chen's book has received numerous honours in the US.
Nakladatel: Bloodaxe Books Ltd
ISBN: 9781780374864
Rok vydání: CZE
Jazyk : Čeština
Vazba: CZE
Počet stran: CZE
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