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Česká pošta Pondělí 07.10
PPL Pondělí 07.10
Osobní odběr Úterý 08.10
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Play and Art in Child Psychotherapy

 Play and Art in Child Psychotherapy

1077  Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
Through a series of case studies looking at the use of play and the arts in therapeutic work with children and their parents, Ellen G. Levine draws out the guiding principles and practices of expressive arts therapy and discusses the themes that regularly emerge in sessions with children and their families.
Nakladatel: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
ISBN: 9781849055048
Rok vydání: 2014
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback
Počet stran: 288
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