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Reconstruction of the Head and Neck

Reconstruction of the Head and Neck
10 %

3156  Kč 3 520 Kč

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Removing a cancer is often only half the battle for the head & neck cancer surgeon. Removing the cancer might require removing large portions of a patients jaw, tounge or other vital structure. The aim of this text is to offer the readership a guide to the options available for head and neck reconstruction and the technique for achieving the optimal functional and aesthetic results. This book will cover the reconstruction of major soft tissue, bony, and muscular defects of the head, neck, and skull base. The unique aspect of this text lies in its defect- oriented approach. This approach allows the surgeon to match the patient's defect with one reviewed in the text to understand the options and techniques for an optimal reconstruction. An expert approach to surgical reconstruction of the head and neck... Written and edited by renowned leaders in the fi eld, Reconstruction of the Head and Neck takes a defect-oriented approach that enables surgeons to match their patients' defects with those included in the book and offers clinicians excellent guidance on the latest techniques for achieving optimal functional and aesthetic surgical results. Topics covered include oromandibular complex reconstruction, skull base reconstruction, microvascular reconstruction, and more. Special Features: - Authors have organized the chapters by specific defect, so readers can easily fi nd the reconstructive options for their patients - Experts cover the reconstruction of major soft tissue and bony and muscular defects of the head, neck, and skull base in detail - More than 200 color illustrations, along with over 100 line drawings by Scott M. Kessler, MD, help clarify the surgical methods described in the text - Experienced surgeons review approaches to reconstruction and the fine points that surgeons need to know for the best outcomes - For each defect, the steps in the procedure, the orientations of the flap, and the details that confer excellent surgical results are covered Surgeons and fellows involved in head and neck reconstruction will greatly benefi t from the extensive coverage of the best methods to treat some of the most challenging defects they will face. Eric M. Genden, MD, FACS, is Professor and Chair, Department of Otolaryngology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, New York. An award-winning international medical and scientific publisher, Thieme has demonstrated its commitment to the highest standard of quality in the state-of-the-art content and presentation of all of its products. Thieme's trademark blue and silver covers have become synonymous with excellence in publishing.
Nakladatel: Thieme, Stuttgart
Rok vydání: 2012
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback / softback
Počet stran: 200
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