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Ethical Dimensions of International Dementia Strategies New Plans for Human Rights

Ethical Dimensions of International Dementia Strategies New Plans for Human Rights
19 %

735  Kč 909 Kč

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Editorial - L. Bergemann / A. Frewer / M. Schmidhuber: Dementia Strategies, Medical Ethics and Human Rights. Effective Protection of the Interests of Persons with Dementia - Ethical Aspects of Dementia Concepts (in Cooperation with the EFI Project Human Rights in Healthcare) - L. Bergemann / M. Schmidhuber / A. Frewer: National Dementia Plans and Clinical Ethics. A Path Towards Better Practice? - W. Teschauer: Dementia Plans and Strategies in Austria, Germany and Switzerland - S. Häupler / P. Kolominsky-Rabas: Dementia Strategy of Bavaria - K. Engedal: The Norwegian Dementia Plan - J. Cohen-Mansfi eld: Notes on the Israeli National Program for Addressing Alzheimer's Disease and Other Types of Dementia - C. W. L. Ho: 'Vulnerability' as a Guide for Policy and Regulatory Action - Care of Older People with Dementia in Singapore - O. Döring / L. Yue: China's Emerging Alzheimer's Plan. Recent Developments in theInstitutionalized Nursing Care Field - Ethical and Cultural Dimensions - L. Holzhauser / A. Frewer: Ethics of Dementia in International Movies. A Short Comparison between North America and Europe - M. Schmidhuber / L. Bergemann / A. Frewer: Public Health and Clinical Ethics for Persons with Dementia. Synopsis of International Perspectives - Documentation - World Health Organization (WHO): Global Action against Dementia. A Call for Action - Cross-Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Alzheimer's: Charter of Rights for People with Dementia and their Carers in Scotland - U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS): National Plan to Address Alzheimer's Disease (2016 Update) - Authors with Addresses - Series Global Health, Ethics and Human Rights - Backlist
Nakladatel: Königshausen & Neumann
Rok vydání: 2017
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback / softback
Počet stran: 165
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