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Thieme Test Prep for the USMLE®: Learning Pharmacology through Clinical Cases

Thieme Test Prep for the USMLE®: Learning Pharmacology through Clinical Cases
10 %

1242  Kč 1 383 Kč

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Learning Pharmacology through Clinical Cases by Mario Babbini and Sandeep Bansal uniquely integrates the preclinical disciplines, which is crucial for pharmacological problem solving and learning to think critically. Each case portrays a real-life scenario, promoting a bridge from foundational knowledge to its application. A series of USMLE-style questions with thorough explanations guide the reader through a comprehensive understanding of relevant basic science disciplines such as physiology, pathology, and microbiology, followed by a detailed analysis of the pharmacology. Key Features Nearly 50 case studies mirror situations seen in every-day practice In-depth coverage of drugs in the context of specific disease states and clinical situations Comprehensive cases encompass medical/family/drug history, physical examination, lab findings, diagnosis, pharmacotherapy, and follow-up One set of multiple choice questions addresses related basic science content. A second set covers topics related to the pharmacology, such as mechanism of action, adverse effects, and contraindications. This essential, highly practical resource will help medical students build problem-solving skills, assess pharmacology knowledge, and fully prepare for board examinations.
Nakladatel: Thieme, Stuttgart
Rok vydání: 2018
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback / softback
Počet stran: 480
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