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Optical Imaging of Neocortical Dynamics

Optical Imaging of Neocortical Dynamics
15 %

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Part I: Fundamentals of Using Light to Study Neocortical Dynamics 1. Neocortex in the Spotlight: Concepts, Questions, and Methods Fritjof Helmchen and Bruno Weber 2. Principles and Fundamentals of Optical Imaging Frank Scheffold 3. Optical Properties of Neural Tissue Andrew K. Dunn 4. Fluorescent Indicators for Functional Optical Imaging Walther Akemann, Hiroki Mutoh, and Thomas Knöpfel 5. Optogenetic Tools for Control of Neural Activity Lief E. Fenno and Karl Deisseroth Part II: Shedding Light on Cortical Activity States 6. In Vivo Dendritic Mapping of Sensory Inputs in Cortical Neurons Hongbo Jia and Arthur Konnerth 7. In Vivo Population Imaging of Dendritic Integration in Neocortex Masanori Murayama and Matthew E. Larkum 8. Voltage-Sensitive Dye Imaging of Cortical Dynamics Carl C.H. Petersen 9. Two-Photon Imaging of Neuronal Network Dynamics in Neocortex Benjamin F. Grewe, Fritjof Helmchen, and Björn M. Kampa 10. Chronic Two-Photon Imaging of Neural Activity in the Anesthetized and Awake Behaving Rodent David J. Margolis, Henry Lütcke, Fritjof Helmchen, Bruno Weber, and Florent Haiss 11. Neocortical Circuit Interrogation with Optogenetics Lief E. Fenno and Karl Deisseroth Part III: Elucidating Metabolic States of Cortical Circuits 12. Imaging of Astrocytic Activity in Living Rodents Norio Takata, Yoshiaki Shinohara, Masamichi Ohkura, Tsuneko Mishima, Junichi Nakai, and Hajime Hirase 13. Imaging Morphology and Function of Cortical Microglia Bianca Brawek and Olga Garaschuk 14. Functional Imaging of Cerebral Oxygenation with Intrinsic Optical Contrast and Phosphorescent Probes Anna Devor, Sava Sakadzic, Mohammad A. Yaseen, Emmanuel Roussakis, Peifang Tian, Hamutal Slovin, Ivo Vanzetta, Ivan Teng, Payam A. Saisan, Louise E. Sinks, Anders M. Dale, Sergei A. Vinogradov, and David A. Boas 15. Laser Speckle Imaging of Cerebral Blood Flow Pavel Zakharov, Frank Scheffold, and Bruno Weber 16. Two-Photon Microscopy to Measure Blood Flow and Concurrent Brain Cell Activity Andy Y. Shih, Jonathan D. Driscoll, Michael J. Pesavento, and David Kleinfeld
Nakladatel: Springer, Berlin
Rok vydání: 2016
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback / softback
Počet stran: 296
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