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The Analysis of Biological Data

The Analysis of Biological Data
9 %

1682  Kč 1 856 Kč

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PART 1. INTRODUCTION TO STATISTICS.- 1. Statistics and samples .- INTERLEAF 1 Biology and the history of statistics .- 2. Displaying data.- 3. Describing data .- 4. Estimating with uncertainty .- INTERLEAF 2 Pseudoreplication .- 5. Probability .- 6. Hypothesis testing .- INTERLEAF 3 Why statistical significance is not the same as biological importance .- PART 2. PROPORTIONS AND FREQUENCIES 7. Analyzing proportions .- INTERLEAF 4 Correlation does not require causation .- 8. Fitting probability models to frequency data .- INTERLEAF 5 Making a plan .- 9. Contingency analysis: associations between categorical variables .- PART 3. COMPARING NUMERICAL VALUES.- 10. The normal distribution .- INTERLEAF 6 Controls in medical studies .- 11. Inference for a normal population .- 12. Comparing two means .- INTERLEAF 7 Which test should I use? .- 13. Handling violations of assumptions.- 14. Designing experiments .- INTERLEAF 8 Data dredging.- 15. Comparing means of more than two groups .- INTERLEAF 9 Experimental and statistical mistakes .- PART 4. REGRESSION AND CORRELATION.- 16. Correlation between numerical variables .- INTERLEAF 10 Publication bias 17. Regression .- INTERLEAF 11 Using species as data points .- PART 5. MODERN STATISTICAL METHODS.- 18. Multiple explanatory variables .- 19. Computer-intensive methods .- 20. Likelihood .- 21. Meta-analysis: combining information from multiple studies.- Answers to practice problems .- Literature cited.- Statistical tables .- Photo credits .- Index.
Nakladatel: Springer Palgrave Macmillan
Rok vydání: 2014
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback / softback
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