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Česká pošta Pondělí 07.10
PPL Pondělí 07.10
Osobní odběr Úterý 08.10
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Catching Breath

Catching Breath
20 %

308  Kč 387 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
1. Bringing the Dead Back to Life - Diagnosing TB in ancient remains 2. Growing Up Together- How Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Homo sapiens co-evolved 3. Populating the Planet- How TB spread around the world, and continues to do so today 4. Altered Evolution - How the human immune system has been shaped through natural selection by TB 5. Leaving Scars - TB doesn't induce natural immunity, so vaccination doesn't work 6. The Patient Pathogen - Mycobacterium tuberculosis can enter into a state of hibernation in the human lung 7. The Drugs Don't Work - How do you kill something that is barely alive? 8. Killing the Unkillable - New drugs for bad bugs 9. Third-world London - How TB is creeping in through the cracks 10. Pale and Beautiful - Changing attitudes towards TB 10. My Cat Infected Me with TB - TB in the news 11. The People Behind the Disease - Personal stories of TB survival and recovery 12. A Losing Battle? - How are we going to win the war against TB?
Nakladatel: Bloomsbury Specialist
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