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An Introduction to Community and Primary Health Care

An Introduction to Community and Primary Health Care
10 %

1662  Kč 1 839 Kč

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Part I. Theory: 1. Community and primary health care Diana Guzys; 2. Empowering individuals and communities Diana Guzys; 3. Exploring disability from a social model of health perspective Rhonda Brown; 4. Mental health promotion Dean Whitehead; 5. Indigenous health Kerry Taylor, Susan Mlcek and Maree Meredith; 6. Gendered health Rhonda Brown and Stephane Bouchoucha; 7. Interprofessional practice Elizabeth Halcomb, Susan McInnes and Kath Peters; Part II. Skills for Practice: 8. Cultural competence Diana Guzys; 9. Community health needs assessment Diana Guzys; 10. Program planning, implementation and evaluation Dean Whitehead; 11. Managing chronic health conditions Elizabeth Halcomb and Catherine Stephen; 12. Case management Elizabeth Halcomb and Joanne Joyce-McCroach; 13. Home visiting, risk assessment and safety Diana Guzys; Part III. Community and Primary Health Care Roles: 14. Community health nursing Rhonda Brown; 15. Community nursing practice in mental health Rhonda Brown; 16. Maternal, child and family health nursing Leesa Hooker; 17. School nursing Elizabeth Halcomb and Christine Ashley; 18. Youth health nursing Diana Guzys; 19. Sexual health nursing Diana Guzys; 20. Alcohol, tobacco and other drug nursing Rhonda Brown; 21. Rural health nursing Diana Guzys; 22. Occupational health nursing Rhonda Brown; 23. Nursing in general practice Elizabeth Halcomb; 24. Home-based nursing Rhonda Brown; 25. Forensic and corrections nursing Elizabeth Halcomb and Grant Kinghorn; 26. Nurse practitioners Kathleen Tori.
Nakladatel: Cambridge University Press
Rok vydání: 2017
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback / softback
Počet stran: 400
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