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Recent Advancements in Biofuels and Bioenergy Utilization

Recent Advancements in Biofuels and Bioenergy Utilization
11 %

3611  Kč 4 062 Kč

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Module 1 ._ Acknowledgements .- Module 2_Preface .- Module 3_Foreword by Editor .- Module 4_List of abbreviations .- Module 5_Names and affiliations of contributors .- Module 6_Introduction to biomass and biofuels .- Chapter 1. An extensive introduction to first, second and third generation biofuels.- Chapter 2. An overview on the accessibility of agricultural and forestry biomass for biorefining.- Chapter 3. Potential of algae and oilseed crops for generating future biofuels.- Chapter 4. Biomass pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis for cellulosic ethanol production.- Module 7_ Biomass conversion technologies .- Chapter 5. Fungal bioconversion technologies for efficient production of fuels and chemicals from agricultural crop residues.- Chapter 6. Recent developments in acetone-butanol-ethanol fermentation and product recovery.- Chapter 7. Unit operation, optimization and kinetics of consolidated bioprocessing for higher alcohol synthesis.- Chapter 8. Genetic engineering of microorganisms for efficient biofuel production.- Chapter 9. An overview on biomass gasification for generation of synthesis gas.- Chapter 10. A review on pyrolysis of biomass and the impacts of operating conditions on product yield, quality and upgrading.- Chapter 11. Catalytic cracking and transesterification of vegetable oil for biodiesel production.- Chapter 12. Current advancements, prospects and challenges in biomethanation.- Module 8_ Energy storage, lifecycle assessment and socio-economic analysis. - Chapter 13. Current advances and applications in fuel cell research.- Chapter 14. Emission and fuel performance analyses of biodiesel and producer gas.- Chapter 15. Life-cycle assessment and techno-economic analysis for biomass conversion technologies.- Module 9_Appendices .- Module 10_Author Index .- Module 11_Subject index .
Nakladatel: Springer, Berlin
Rok vydání: 2018
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Hardback
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