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Happy Down Below

Happy Down Below
5 %

408  Kč 429 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
InHappy Down Below, men's health specialist Dr. Oliver Gralla provides a clever and highly entertaining remedy to that situation. Packed with colorful anecdotes and quirky illustrations, this cheeky guidebook offers practical tips and clear, accessible explanations for helping men (and women) better understand the male body, learn to care for it, and become more comfortable speaking about it with their doctors when things go wrong. With plenty of relatable metaphors and a light, conversational tone, Dr. Gralla provides simple, research-based answers to questions such as: Do male enhancement pills actually work? Why does erectile dysfunction happen and how is it treated? What is a normal penis - and how big is itreally? And much, much more.
Nakladatel: Ingram Publisher ServicesBooks
Rok vydání: 2018
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback / softback
Počet stran: 224
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