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Při nákupu většího množství produktů negarantujeme dodání do zobrazeného data

Integration of Medical and Dental Care and Patient Data

Integration of Medical and Dental Care and Patient Data
13 %

3283  Kč 3 791 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
Mouth: the Gateway to the Body and the Importance of Medical and Dental Data Integration.- Achieving the 'True' Triple Aim in Healthcare.- An Environmental Scan of the various Oral-Systemic Contact Points.- Interdisciplinary Care Model: Diabetes and Oral Health.- Interdisciplinary Care Model: Papillon- Lefèvre Syndrome and Oral Health.- Interdisciplinary Care Model: Cardiovascular Diseases and Oral Health.- Interdisciplinary Care Model: Chronic Kidney Disease and Oral Health.- Interdisciplinary Care Model: Odontogenic Infections and Systemic Complications.- Interdisciplinary Care Model: Pneumonia and Oral Health.- Interdisciplinary Care Model: Metabolic Syndrome and Oral Health.- Health Information Technology Considerations of Medical and Dental Data Integration.- Biosurveillance and Dentistry.- Knowledge Standardization, Management and Integration.- Economics of Clinical Data Integration.- The Need for Interprofessional Medical-Dental Education.- Integrated Care Case Study: Marshfield Clinic Health System.- Conclusion.- Appendix.- Index
Nakladatel: Springer, Berlin
Rok vydání: 2018
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Hardback
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