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An Impact Assessment of Flooding on Food Security

An Impact Assessment of Flooding on Food Security
21 %

820  Kč 1 031 Kč

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This book looks at the impact of flooding on Dagiri Community of Gwagwalada Area Council in Abuja Nigeria. This research work has become necessary in view of the colossal destruction of lives and Properties caused by floods especially in third world Countries where corruption and poverty adds to the difficulty experienced by the Community. The damages caused rural farmers in Dagiri Community by the flood, includes destruction of farm houses, stored farm produce and household properties. Flood waters also wash away crops and farm land, and in severe cases it leads to death and total crop failure thereby leading to food insecurity. The research work aims to proffer solution to the flooding in Dagiri Community by highlighting ways to reduce the vulnerability of Dagiri community to flood to make the community resilient and food secure. The sampling frame for the study consist of rural farmers in Dagiri community and sampling technique used was random sampling of 112 farmers household living along the River Usuma to source for information because they are most prone to flooding. Data were analysed using simple descriptive statistics and confidence interval using 95% confidence level.
Nakladatel: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
Rok vydání: 2018
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback / softback
Počet stran: 76
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