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Natural Products as Source of Molecules with Therapeutic Potential

Natural Products as Source of Molecules with Therapeutic Potential
11 %

3851  Kč 4 333 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
1. Medicinal plants and Phytomedicines 2. Biotechnology as strategy to produce bioactive principles from higher plants 3. Metabolomic aspects to study medicinal plants 4. Functional foods as source of bioactive principles: some marked examples 5. Contribution of ethnopharmacology to the research and development of new drugs 6. Molecular and physiological actions of flavonoids: need for clinical trials to assess its benefits in human disease 7. Current approaches to isolation and structural elucidation of active compounds from natural products 8. Stereoselective synthesis of biologically active natural products 9. Natural products as source of anticancer agents: current approach and perspectives 10. NAPROC-13, an useful database to identify active compounds from natural products 11. Translational research in natural products and drug research 12. Virtual screening as a tool to discovery active principles from natural products 13. Current regulatory scenario of herbal products in Europe and comparison with other countries 14. Development and use of polymeric nanoparticles for the encapsulation and administration of plant extracts 15. Phenotype-guided natural products discovery using cytological profiling 16. The importance of Traditional Chinese Medicine in drug discovery 17. Quality control and adulterants in herbal medicinal products
Nakladatel: Springer, Berlin
Rok vydání: 2019
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Hardback
Počet stran: 489
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