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Disruptive Cooperation in Digital Health

Disruptive Cooperation in Digital Health
5 %

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Chapter 1: Introduction to Digital Health.- Chapter 2: Overview of the Digital Health Ecosystem.- Chapter 3: Diabetes and the Telcare Solution (Jonathan Javitt, Telcare).- Chapter 4: Cooperation in Aging Services Technologies.- Chapter 5: The Quantified Self, Wearables, and the Tracking Revolution.- Chapter 6: Beyond Silos to Data Analytics for Population Health: Case Study of HealthBank and Citizen Coops for Health Data Transactions.- Chapter 7: Healthcare Lessons From the Telecommunications Sector (Sven Schuchardt, Detecon).- Chapter 8: Smart Healthy Cities: Public-Private Partnerships, a Case From Telefonica in Brazil [Jody Ranck, Katia Galvane (Telefonica), Washington Tavares (ISPM)].- Chapter 9: Smart Digital Health Policies (Ticia Gerber, HL7).- Chapter 10: Cooperation for Building Secure Standards for Health Data (Cem Senturk, Detecon).- Chapter 11: Peer to Peer Platforms for Physicians in Underserved Areas: A Human Rights Approach to Social Media in Medicine: The Case of Tabeeb (Osama Alshaykh).
Nakladatel: Springer, Berlin
Rok vydání: 2018
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback / softback
Počet stran: 197
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