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How's It Hanging?

How's It Hanging?
23 %

292  Kč 377 Kč

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Throughout my career I've been around adult men in competitive environments and I know first-hand that there is often little attention given to their own health. I'm guilty of it myself several times over the course of my career when I didn't pay attention to what my body was trying to tell me. Dr. Baum and Dr. Miller address the health issues that men need to pay attention to including several that we simply are often too embarrassed to talk about. This book is a great asset to all men who need to make their own health a priority.-Joe Gibbs, NFL Hall of Fame coach and owner of 4x NASCAR champion Joe Gibbs Racing An educational and enjoyable introduction to men's health issues.-Booklist Drs. Baum and Miller have nicely described male hormone (testosterone) deficiency and have elegantly and tactfully discussed the various treatment options for this common condition that affects millions of American men.-Dr. Martin Miner, national expert on men's health, co-director of the Men's Health Center at the Miriam Hospital, Clinical Associate Professor of Family Medicine and Surgery (Urology) at Brown University Drs. Miller and Baum have put the unique health concerns of men exactly where it belongs ... on the front and center of every man's health radar. By reading this book, you will know much more about what every man needs to do to preserve his manhood.-Dr. Wayne Hellstrom, MD, Professor of Urology and Andrology, Tulane Medical School How's it Hanging is a serious look at a serious topic-men's health, specifically men's genital health, bone health, andropause, and diet. The book provides a compact collection of facts and useful information made readable by the authors' style, and should be considered a reference for every man of every age who wishes to learn more about his health, before, during, or after encountering health issues. Read it straight through or start with a relevant chapter-either way, it may save your life!-Irwin Goldstein, MD, Director of Sexual Medicine, Alvarado Hospital, San Diego, CA
Nakladatel: Ingram Publisher ServicesBooks
Rok vydání: 2018
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback / softback
Počet stran: 288
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