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Immune Checkpoint Blockade

Immune Checkpoint Blockade
52 %

1896  Kč 3 924 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
Part I: Generating Hypothesis 1. Double Immunohistochemistry and Digital Image Analysis Pablo Moreno-Ruiz, Lina Wik Leiss, Artur Mezheyeuski, and Monika Ehnman 2. Multispectral Fluorescence Imaging Allows for Distinctive Topographic Assessment and Sub-Classification of Tumor Infiltrating and Surrounding Immune Cells Claudia Wickenhauser, Daniel Bethmann, Zipei Feng, Shawn M. Jensen, Carmen Ballesteros-Merino, Chiara Massa, Andre Steven, Marcus Bauer, Peter Kaatzsch, Nikolaos Pazaitis, Georgiana Toma, Carlo B. Bifulco, Bernard A. Fox, and Barbara Seliger 3. Systems Level Immune Monitoring by Mass Cytometry Tadepally Lakshmikanth and Petter Brodin 4. Immune Monitoring of Cancer Patients by Multi-Color Flow Cytometry Neo Shiyong, Aine O'Reilly, and Yago Pico de Coaña 5. High-Throughput, Fast and Sensitive Immunopeptidomics Sample Processing for Mass Spectrometry Fabio Marino, Chloe Chong, Justine Michaux, and Michal Bassani-Sternberg 6. Identification of Immune Modulatory miRNAs by miRNA Enrichment via RNA Affinity Purification Uta Sandy Tretbar, Michael Friedrich, Maria-Filothei Lazaridou, and Barbara Seliger Part II: Functional Assays 7. Expansion of Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes from Melanoma Tumors Stina Wickström and Tanja Lövgren 8. Establishment of Bi-Dimensional (2D) and Three-Dimensional (3D) Melanoma Primary Cultures as a Tool for In Vitro Drug Resistance Studies Nataly Cruz Rodríguez, Johanna Lineros, Carol Stefany Rodríguez, Lina María Martínez, and Josefa Antonia Rodríguez 9. Assessment of Anti-Tumor T Cell Responses by Flow Cytometry after Co-Culture of Tumor Cells with Autologous Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes Jeroen Melief, Stina Wickström, Rolf Kiessling, and Yago Pico de Coaña 10. Expansion and Determination of Antigen-Reactive T Cells by Flow Cytometry Alexander Martens, Graham Pawelec, and Christopher Shipp 11. Assessing Canonical and Adaptive Natural Killer Cell Function in Suppression Assays In Vitro Dhifaf Sarhan and Jeffrey S. Miller 12. Evaluating Antibody-Dependent Cell-Mediated Cytotoxicity by Chromium Release Assay Irene van der Haar Avila, Patricia Marmol, Rolf Kiessling, and Yago Pico de Coaña 13. Evaluating Antibody-Dependent Cell-Mediated Cytotoxicity by Flow Cytometry Irene van der Haar Avila, Patricia Marmol, Jeannette Cany, Rolf Kiessling, and Yago Pico de Coaña Part III: Animal Models 14. Evaluation of Breast Cancer and Melanoma Metastasis in Syngeneic Mouse Models Kristina Witt and Andreas Lundqvist 15. Establishment of Melanoma Tumor Xenograft Using Single Cell Line Suspension and Co-Injection of Patient-Derived T Cells in Immune Deficient NSG Mice Fríða Björk Gunnarsdóttir, Rolf Kiessling, and Yago Pico de Coaña 16. Analysis of Tissue Resident Immune Cells from Mouse Skin and Lungs by Flow Cytometry Felipe Galvez-Cancino, Ernesto Lopez, and Alvaro Lladser
Nakladatel: Springer, Berlin
Rok vydání: 2019
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Hardback
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