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The Chronicles of Narnia Colouring Books

The Chronicles of Narnia Colouring Books

336  Kč 339 Kč

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A beautifully designed colouring book, using the original, stunning illustrations by Pauline Baynes – a perfect gift for fans of The Chronicles of Narnia, and for anyone, of any age, who enjoys colouring in.Step through the wardrobe and enter the magical world of Narnia – a glorious land of centaurs, fauns and Aslan, the great lion. Join, Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy on their adventures and let your imagination run free as they stand against the White Witch, voyage across the seas and face a last ferocious battle to save Narnia.This beautifully designed colouring book contains iconic, original artwork from all seven stories in The Chronicles of Narnia. It also includes intricate patterns – created using characters and elements unique to Narnia – delightful maps and inspirational quotes for you to colour in.The official The Chronicles of Narnia Colouring book – celebrating this classic, epic and much-loved series
Nakladatel: Harper Collins UK
Jazyk : Čeština
Vazba: Paperback
Počet stran: 96
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