Homelessness AmongOlder Adults in Prague Causes, contexts and prospects
362 Kč 400 Kč
Following their engaging study Homelessness among Young People in Prague, the\nauthors of this book turn their attention to an older population facing the same issue, a\nvery different situation since these older adults grew up under a communist regime\nwhere an obligation to work was enshrined in law and living on the street could result in\na prison sentence. Based on three years of research, this book provides a slew of data-\nbased statistical insights, analyzing the efficacy of relief provided by both the state and\nnonprofit organizations, detailing how the clients of such organizations rate their\nservices, to what extent they accept assistance, and whether they believe it has helped\nthem. More importantly, it features extensive interviews with real people, making it the\nfirst Czech book on this issue to present homelessness from the perspective of those who\nlive with it every day.
Autor: | Marie Vágnerová |
Nakladatel: | Karolinum |
ISBN: | 978-80-2464-525-4 |
Rok vydání: | 2020 |
Jazyk : | Čeština |
Vazba: | brožovaná1 |
Počet stran: | 310 |
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