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The Last Girl

The Last Girl
31 %

319  Kč 465 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
This devastating memoir unflinchingly recounts Murad's experiences and questions the complicity of witnesses who acquiesced in the suffering of others. -The New Yorker Her book is sobering-and an inspiration. -People Murad gives us a window on the atrocities that destroyed her family and nearly wiped out her vulnerable community. This is a courageous memoir that serves as an important step toward holding to account those who committed horrific crimes. -The Washington Post This is likely the most inspiring feminist memoir out this year. -Bustle Nadia Murad's courageous account is horrific and essential reading. . . . Anyone who wants to understand the so-called Islamic State should read The Last Girl. -The Economist Fascinating. -Vulture A harrowing and brave book, a testament to human resilience. -The Progressive A devastating yet ultimately inspiring memoir that doubles as an urgent call to action. -Kirkus Brilliant and intense. . . . a clear-eyed account of ISIS's cruelty. -Publishers Weekly (starred review) Powerful. . . . A heartbreaking elegy to a lost community. -Booklist
Nakladatel: Random House US
Rok vydání: 2017
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback / softback
Počet stran: 320
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