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Life Work with Children Who are Fostered or Adopted

Life Work with Children Who are Fostered or Adopted

550  Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
This new book from life work expert Joy Rees explains the value of effective and meaningful life story work with fostered and adopted children, and how best to carry it out. Simple to read and to implement, this book will help social work practitioners understand how best to support children by using life work, enabling the child to better understand their own history and to gain a secure sense of identity. It lays out the theoretical framework underpinning life story work, and also explains how the team around the child, including social workers and foster carers, can using different life work methods in a coordinated way to ensure consistency and long-term therapeutic support for the child. This guide has all you need to start effective life work, and also includes handy pro formas and checklists which can be easily adapted for different settings.
Nakladatel: Kingsley
Rok vydání: 2018
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Book
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