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The Business Plan Workbook

The Business Plan Workbook

652  Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
Strategy and Purpose; Coming Up with a Winning Idea For Your Business Plan; Strategy the Big Picture; You and Your Team;Market Research; Researching Customers; Researching Competitors; A Plan For Market Research;Competitive Marketing Strategies; Products and/or Services; Pricing; Advertising and Promotion; Place and Distribution; People, Process and Physical Environment; Competing Online;Operations and Staffing; The Selling Methods Plan; Making, Outsourcing and Supplies; People and Related Matters; Legal and Regulatory Factors; Office Systems;Forecasting Results; The Sales Forecast; Cash-Flow Projections; The Profit and Loss Account; The Balance Sheet; Break-Even Analysis; Reviewing Financing Requirements and Options; Stress Testing Your Business Projections;Business Controls; Financial Controls; Sales and Marketing Controls; Other Business Controls; Planning For Growth;Writing Up and Presenting Your Business Plan; Writing Up and Presenting Your Business Plan
Nakladatel: Kogan Page
Rok vydání: 2018
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback / softback
Počet stran: 376
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