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Myths of PR

Myths of PR
7 %

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Myths of PR: All Publicity is Good Publicity and Other Popular Misconceptions uses popular myths about the theory and practice of PR as a vehicle for helping students and practitioners to distinguish between fads and tried-and-tested PR practice. Its purpose is to shatter widespread misconceptions about PR, and grant readers insights into why these myths have endured in spite of clearly demonstrable evidence to the contrary.By exploring topics that all readers will relate to (though many frequently misunderstand), Myths of PR will shed new light on essential PR methodology. Covering such engaging subjects as Good products don't need PR, PR is glamorous and PR can make you go viral, it will be an engaging, anecdotal read that offers authentic insights into the reality of PR practice.
Nakladatel: Kogan Page
Rok vydání: 2017
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback / softback
Počet stran: 224
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