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Key Message. Delivered - Englische Version

Key Message. Delivered - Englische Version

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INTRODUCTION Do or Die at the Projector Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth About this Book Communicating into the Fast Track Make Yourself Understood Logic is the Key Structure First Training is Everything From One Practitioner to Another The Foundations of Structured Communication Triangology 1. UNDERSTANDING THE PYRAMID - GIVE YOUR ARGUMENTS A SOLID FOUNDATION Pyramids - The Most Stable Structures in the World Escalate to the Most Essential Miss Marple versus Columbo The Emergency Call Principle Separating the Thinking and Writing Processes Summary 2. DETERMINING WHAT IS REQUIRED - IDENTIFY THE KEY QUESTION Your Thoughts Need Space A Key Question is Fundamental The Key Question is Rooted in the Baseline Scenario The Key Question is also Formed in Part by Possible Problems and Challenges Formulating the Key Question Case Study: Harry's Gourmet Summary 3. STRUCTURING THE TASK - EXPLORE THE TOPIC Gain Insight by Asking Questions Master any Topic Using a Structured Question Tree Structuring Topics: Top-Down or Bottom-Up? A Perfect Question Tree is Characterized by a Golden Descent The MECE Principle Ensures that the Logic is Watertight Question Trees are an Ideal Tool for Project Planning Gathering Data and Facts for Answers for the Question Tree Case Study: Harry's Gourmet Summary 4. ADDRESSEE ANALYSIS - THINK YOURSELF INTO YOUR OBJECTIVES AND TARGET GROUPS Time is the Most Valuable Commodity Success Depends on the Approach Taken Analysis of the Main Targets of Your Message A Typical Communication Error Knowledge (of the Target Group) is Power Addressee Analysis - Who will be in the Room? The Problem of the Mixed Group Case Study: Harry's Gourmet Summary 5. DEFINING THE KEY MESSAGE - FORMULATE YOUR CENTRAL STATEMENT The Necessity of the Key Message Make Your Point Good Key Messages Stick The SUCCES Principle Question-Answer Dialog The Elevator Pitch and the Stickiness Test Case Study: Harry's Gourmet Summary 6. BUILDING THE PYRAMID - DEVELOP ARGUMENTS FOR YOUR KEY MESSAGE The Logical Thread The Storyline -- The Structural Design The Introduction The Main Body The Logical Group The Logical Chain Logical Group versus Logical Chain Checking the Quality of Your Statements Coming to an End The Pyramid Case Study: Harry's Gourmet Summary 7. THE GRAPHIC DESIGN OF PRESENTATIONS - GIVE YOUR IDEAS A FACE The Graphic Design Tightrope between Standards and Creativity [1] Simplicity, Conciseness, and Relevance [2] Storyboard [3] Corporate Standards [4] Five Golden Rules [5] Creativity [6] Language Creativity For All: Keep Things in Check Case Study: Harry's Gourmet Summary 8. CREATING SLIDES - USE EXPERIENCE, TRICKS, AND TECHNOLOGY You're Almost There Case Study: Harry's Gourmet PowerPoint Still Leads the Pack Professional PowerPoint Schedule Sufficient Time Reach for Established Tools Supporting Tools Summary CLOSING REMARKS Try It, Success will Prove You Right The Authors Reference List
Nakladatel: Haufe-Lexware
Rok vydání: 2011
Jazyk : Němčina
Vazba: Paperback / softback
Počet stran: 232
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