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In a Different Key

In a Different Key
37 %

346  Kč 548 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
'A New York Times Bestseller§A New York Times Editors' Choice'Magnificent...Spellbinding-a fable about greed, power and betrayal told through the lens of autism...Chock-full of suspense and hairpin turns...This book does what no other on autism has done: capture all the slippery, bewildering and deceptive aspects...I have been the mother of an autistic son since 1988...I wept and laughed and raged while reading In a Different Key , all the while thinking, Yes! This is my experience, including the raw and dirty parts, but also the wonder and joy.'-ANN BAUER, WASHINGTON POST 'Remarkable... In a Different Key: The Story of Autism tells a riveting tale about how a seemingly rare childhood disorder became a salient fixture in our cultural landscape. It features vivid portraits of people with autism and their devoted parents and recounts dramatic controversies among well-intentioned and occasionally misguided advocates and doctors who have tried to help those with the condition. These gripping personal stories give the book tremendous narrative drive.'- WALL STREET JOURNAL'The prose is vivid, the tempo rapid and the perspective intimate, as if each character has been filmed with a hand-held camera.'§- JEROME GROOPMAN, NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW ' In a Different Key is a story about autism as it has passed through largely American institutions, shaped not only by psychiatrists and psychologists but by parents, schools, politicians, and lawyers. It shows how, in turn, the condition acquired a powerful capacity both to change those institutions and to challenge our notions of what is pathological and what is normal.'- STEVEN SHAPIN, NEW YORKER 'This is not a how-to guide or a polemic on neurodiversity. The book probes a difficult subject with intelligence and compassion-and makes you think. The complete absence of hysteria will make it essential reading for many... its insights and quiet wisdom demand our attention, and gratitude.'- AMY BLOOM; O, THE OPRAH MAGAZINE' In a Different Key is nothing if not judicious and fair-minded in its approach to a field harried by controversies and enmities from the very start... [the book] is grounded and sensible, which in the contentious world of autism activism constitutes a kind of grace.'-LAURA MILLER , SLATE§§'The authors have captured the art of storytelling and the book therefore has a broad appeal, beyond those directly involved or affected by autism... Comprehensive and illuminating... From cover to cover this book stirs up a combination of emotions. Admiration for the parents that took a stand; incredulity at treatments and assumptions; and gratitude to scientists and activists that dedicate their expertise and devote their energy to making people with autism spectrum disorder feel part of a world that appears to fear nonconformity to what is considered normal... You must read this book.'§-THE LANCET§§'A fascinating history of science, treatment, and civil rights.'- NEWSDAY'A fascinating history of this confounding condition.'- PEOPLE§§'A fascinating and comprehensive history told from a personal perspective... In a Different Key shares the often debilitating aspects of autism yet shows how those with autism can and do flourish with the right supports and environments, and how their lives, and the lives of their families, are filled with joys and triumphs and fun and irreverence, too.'§-CHICAGO TRIBUNE§§'Fascinating... A 560-page history of autism sounds intimidating, but fear not. In a Different Key ... takes an accessible approach that sheds much light on this human condition... through the human stories of those raising autistic children, of those trying to treat, study and research it and those who are autistic.'§-SEATTLE TIMES'In this compelling, well-researched book, the authors weave together the heroic search by parents for treatment and services for t
Nakladatel: Random House US
Rok vydání: 2016
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback / softback
Počet stran: 688
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