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The Other People

The Other People

323  Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
If you loved The Chalk Man and The Taking of Annie Thorne then pre-order C. J. Tudor's chilling new novel now . . . She sleeps, a pale girl in a white room . . . Driving home one night, stuck behind a rusty old car, Gabe sees a little girl's face appear in the rear window. She mouths one word: 'Daddy.' It's his five-year-old daughter, Izzy. He never sees her again. Three years later, Gabe spends his days and nights travelling up and down the motorway, searching for the car that took his daughter, refusing to give up hope, even though most people believe that Izzy is dead. Fran and her daughter, Alice, also put in a lot of miles on the motorway. Not searching. But running. Trying to keep one step ahead of the people who want to hurt them. Because Fran knows the truth. She knows what really happened to Gabe's daughter. She knows who is responsible. And she knows what they will do if they ever catch up with her and Alice . . . Pre-order C. J. Tudor's next gripping mystery, The Other People, now. Praise for C. J. Tudor: 'Britain's female Stephen King' Daily Mail 'Some writers have it, and C. J. Tudor has it big time. The Taking of Annie Thorne is terrific in every way' Lee Child 'If you like my stuff, you'll like this' Stephen King 'A tense gripper with a leave-the-lights-on shock ending' Sunday Times
Nakladatel: Penguin Books
ISBN: 9780241371299
Rok vydání: 2020
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: brožovaná/paperback
Počet stran: 416
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